1. 濟貧不能只濟助『物質』,還必須包括『心靈』。
2. 濟貧不能只濟助物質,還必須包括:
3. 任何濟貧,假使不包含『改正對方錯誤觀念與行為』還有『傳福音』的話,
4. 因為,許多的貧困,是因為貧困者受不合聖經的觀念和行為的影響,
5. 觀念的改正不是只帶對方信耶穌,或是對方是基督徒就可以,
6. 懶惰的貧困者沒有資格要求別人濟助,他們也不應繼續停留在懶惰狀態。
7. 不能使受助者產生依賴,不管是對個人的依賴,還是對教會、機構的依賴。
8. 有些人的貧困是『故意的』(出於自己意願的)(好比:懶惰、吸毒、反抗權威、缺乏紀律、缺乏自我控制、、、)
9. 『無辜的』貧困者需要被實質幫助(好比:懶惰丈夫下的可憐妻子和孩子)
10. 濟貧必須是出於捐獻者自願,不能是被強迫或被操縱。
Many suffer as a result of their own sinful choices in disobedience to and rejection of God and His commands. Their sinful choices have far-reaching, hurtful effects on the whole of their lives. 、、、Poverty can even result from rebellion against authority, sloth, lack of discipline and self control, or ignorance.
但是其他人在沒有直接造成他們苦難的原因的情況下受苦。他們是外部力量的受害者,如出生缺陷、事故、疾病或突發性災難(洪水、地震、火災、乾旱等)。 有些人因家人或心愛之人的死亡而受苦。其他人則是人類暴力的受害者:或是政治暴政、戰爭和文化偏見這類『制度形式』的受害者;或是犯罪、家庭暴力或個人暴力、或“祖先的罪”這類『個人形式』的受害者。
But others suffer without contributing directly to the causes of their suffering. They are victims of outside forces like birth defects, accidents, diseases, or sudden catastrophies (flood, earthquake, fire, drought, etc.). Some suffer with the death of a family member or loved one. Others are victims of human violence either in its institutional forms of governmental tyranny, war, and cultural prejudice, or in its individual forms of crime, domestic and personal violence, or the “sins of the fathers.”
The driving motives and primary goals behind every helping act must be to obey and glorify God, to bring sinners to a saving knowledge of Christ, and to present every believer a mature person in Christ.
Our goal is to help the hurting to become able to help others, not to build our own egos by making ourselves indispensable. Our task is humbly and obediently to help others reach their potential of helping the hurting. We must not seek short term solutions that perpetuate dependence and damage the dignity of those we “help“. According to Perkins, to correct economic injustice, we must pursue development, empowering people to become self-sufficient through the power of the gospel. Victims of famine and war depend on our relief efforts, and we dare not neglect their needs. But the greater need is for development to break the cycle of poverty, so that today’s receivers become tomorrow’s givers.
這種策略應該延伸到許多受苦的領域。 聖經教導說,給予比接受更為有福; 因此,我們需要激勵和裝備他人能給予,使他們也可以獲得上帝的祝福。
This strategy should extend to many areas of hurt. The Bible teaches that it is more blessed to give than to receive; therefore we need to motivate and equip others to give so that they too may reap God’s blessing.
We deny that any aid to the hurting will effect long term, positive change if only the symptoms are alleviated or eliminated.
We affirm that some people suffer as a direct result of personal choice, reaping the consequences of their own actions.
We affirm that all non-Christians suffer spiritually, emotionally, and often physically because they do not know or obey God; that they need to accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord to enjoy the fruit of the Spirit here and now and to escape eternal suffering; and that Christians must minister the gospel of salvation to them.
We affirm that God expects all Christians to respond with love and compassion to those who are hurting, whether as innocent victims or as a result of personal choice.
We deny that compassion shown to those in need is an option, and that the need to confront sin in someone’s life frees us from the need to love and help him.
We affirm that meeting the needs of those who are hurting is an integral part of Christ’s commission to preach the gospel and to make disciples of all nations.
We deny that the gospel can be preached with indifference to temporal needs.
We affirm that help for the hurting must affirm the value and dignity of each person; that it must address the whole person in body, soul, and spirit in the context of a social and natural environment; that we must respectfully help to develop abilities and skills, teaching the hurting to help others.
We deny that any help given to the suffering will effect long term, positive change if it devalues the individual, fails to involve the whole person in the helping process, or increases unbiblical dependence on other persons or institutions.
We affirm that only programs operating on Biblical principles are capable of addressing the root cause of suffering and involving the whole person in the helping process, thereby effecting long term, positive change, and that the Church, therefore, is uniquely designed and equipped to be the most effective institution for helping the hurting.
We deny that any non-Christian or secular program can adequately address the root problems of suffering, involving the whole temporal and spiritual person, and, therefore, that any such programs can achieve long term, positive change from suffering.
We affirm that Christians, churches, and Christian organizations should—when they may do so without compromising Biblical principles—work with and influence existing governmental agencies, businesses, and local social outreach institutions to help the hurting,
We deny that it is wrong for Christians to cooperate with good governmental and secular programs that help those in need, and that it is inappropriate to do so as a Christian witness of love and concern and as an opportunity to share the gospel.
We affirm that there are those who suffer from willful poverty; that they need to be challenged educationally, spiritually, and culturally to be more responsible and industrious so that their children and grandchildren will not repeat their slovenly lifestyle; and that while the Church should not condone or underwrite sloth it should provide substantial help to victims of others’ sloth, such as children or wives of lazy heads of households.
We deny that anyone, but especially those suffering willful poverty, should be provided for by forcibly taking money from others.
We affirm that God has ordained orders of responsibility in the economic spheres of life; that able individuals have first responsibility to care for themselves; that whoever refuses to work ought not to expect to be fed by others; that families have responsibility to care for those members unable to care for themselves; that the Church and other voluntary organizations have responsibility to care for those unable to care for themselves when no care is available from their families; (1 Timothy 5; 2 Corinthians 8-10; 1 Thessalonians 3).
We deny that anyone who is able but refuses to work has a just claim to be supported by others; that those unable to work ought not to have their needs met by their families and, if necessary, by the Church or other voluntary organizations; that family members fulfill their responsibilities toward God who refuse to provide to the best of their abilities for the needs of their family;
We affirm that the first responsibility of the Church in caring for the poor is to members of the Body of Christ, and that its second responsibility is to those outside the Body of Christ (Galatians 6:10).
We deny that the Church’s responsibility to care for the poor inside the Body of Christ displaces its responsibility to make disciples of believers, and that its responsibility to care for the poor outside the Body of Christ displaces its responsibility to preach the gospel.
We affirm that charitable, sacrificial giving is commanded by God as an expression of love to help the poor; that to be truly charitable, giving must be voluntary and consistent with what one has, not with what one does not have; that coerced or manipulated “giving” is not giving at all but theft or fraud by those coercing or manipulating it, and is therefore contrary to justice and love; that charitable giving ought to be carefully planned and executed to bring about the best benefit to its recipients; and that material relief to the poor ought always to be accompanied by spiritual ministry (2 Corinthians 8, 9).
We deny that truly charitable giving can ever be forced, 、、; that charitable giving ought to be conducted in such a way as to deny or discourage personal accountability on the part of the recipients or to reduce incentive to develop productive knowledge and behavior; and that charitable giving of material relief without spiritual ministry truly meets the needs of the poor.
We affirm that the proper recipients of charitable giving are those who are unable to provide for their own needs (the ptochos).
We deny that those who are able but unwilling to meet their own needs have any just claim on charitable gifts.
We affirm that charitable responsibilities to other believers have priority over other charitable activities, and that in emergencies Christian families are asked by God to give through the Church beyond the tithe, but proportionately to their assets, so that other Christians may be relieved of great scarcity (2 Corinthians 8:14).
We affirm that, because non-Biblical world views, values, and behavior (all effects of the Fall) are the primary causes of poverty, the primary means of overcoming material and spiritual poverty is evangelism followed by discipleship to establish belief, thought, and behavior consistent with the Christian world view, values, and behavior among believers and in society (Joshua 1:8; Proverbs 21:5; Psalm 92:12).
We deny that long-term deliverance from poverty may be achieved apart from renewing society according to the Christian gospel, world view, values, and behavior.
We affirm that true discipleship includes instruction in basic Christian doctrines and ethics, in the Christian world view and values, and in Christian practice, and that among the values to be taught in discipleship are justice, love, the habits of self-discipline that lead to material and spiritual prosperity through the use of the means of grace (the Word, the sacraments, prayer, the counsel of the Body of Christ), and the means of material prosperity (planning, work, cooperation, free exchange, saving, inheritance, etc.).
We deny that true discipleship is merely teaching doctrine, internal piety, or elementary Christian practices such as prayer, Bible study, witnessing, and fellowship, though it must always include these.
We affirm that a key element of economic discipleship is teaching Christians the lessons of Ephesians 4:28: that the former pagan converted to Christ (a) must steal no longer, but (b) must work, (c) doing something useful through his labor, in order that (d) he may have something to share with those in need.
We deny that any person converted to Christ should be permitted to remain lazy, idle, and unproductive, or to continue in a life of indolence and thievery.
COR簡介(Coalition on Revival )(復興聯盟)